In this article I will explain you how to reverse a string programmatically and using inbuilt functions.
Code Behind(Programmatically):
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//===== Asp C# .Net String Reverse through coding.
string str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
//====== Variable to store results
string strResult = string.Empty;
//===== Get the count of characters to implement loop.Subract 1 from the count as string characters begin with 0 index.
//===== "abcd" has 4 characters but when we loop inside string or array first character has 0 index means 'a' is at 0th position
//===== so if we loop from 0 to 4 loop will run 5 times 0-4 and will give error on 4th time.
int charCount = str.Count() - 1;
//==== Loop through each character from end and store it in result variable.
for (int i = charCount; i >= 0; i--)
strResult += str[i].ToString();
Using Inbuilt Functions:
//======= Using inbuilt methods
char[] charArr = str.ToCharArray().Reverse().ToArray();
str = new string(charArr);